About Us

Our Vision

A centre of Excellence to Advance the Science of Accountancy in Nigeria and to pioneer a multi-disciplinary emphasis in the production of well rounded and well blended professionals – versed in knowledge, skilled and experienced in practice and committed to the highest ideals of ethical conduct.

Our Mission

To promote the teaching of Accountancy, not only in Nigeria, but also in Africa, which will serve as the cradle of professionalism and the best in professional practice and to inculcate standards of integrity, probity, honesty and good conscience in Nigerian professional practice. To raise a new generation of accounting professionals that will serve as the arrow-head of a new dispensational and millennial move in the development of accounting in Nigeria.


All accountancy graduates with B.Sc. and HND from Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics, are eligible to commence a three-year training programme to qualify with the Association and earn the designation Certified National Accountant (CNA). This is similar to the system adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). The Association also accepts specific overseas professional qualifications which are recognized under ANAN Act 76 (formally Decree No. 76) of 1993 Schedule 4. All students aspiring to become members of the Association must attend the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos in preparation for the Association's examination programme, consisting of FIVE PAPERS at Professional Examinations 'A1 (PEA) and SIX PAPERS at Professional Examination 'B1 (PEB) details of which are contained in the later Section Of this brochure.
The Council of the Association believes that the economic future of Nigeria depends largely on the commercial and industrial efficiency of its productive capacity. Therefore, the education and training of professional accountants should reflect the economic, structural and ideological environment of Nigeria. The Council, in an attempt to maintain internationally acceptable education and training standards has decided to follow the system of education and training similar to those of legal and medical professions. Accordingly, holders of B.Sc. and HND in accountancy from approved Nigerian Universities, Polytechnics, are required to attend the Nigerian College of Accountancy for nine months and pass the prescribed professional examinations.In the light of the foregoing, the Council has been able to distinguish between education and training.
Education is regarded as a generic and organic process involving a series of activities aimed at enabling an individual to assimilate and develop knowledge, skills, competencies and values that are not simply related to a narrow field of activity. Thus education allows broad range of problems to be defined, analysed and solved.
Training on the other hand, is the planned and systematic effort to modify or develop knowledge, skill and attitude through a learning experience in order to achieve effective performance in an activity or narrow range of activity. It is mechanistic, very precise and job oriented and produces observable effects in the short term. Operatives are trained. Executives are educated. Ideally, therefore, professional accountants of the 21st Century should be both educated and trained. Pursuant to the foregoing definitions of education and training, ANAN adopted from inception a straight forward approach which incorporates three basic ingredients, namely:
  • a four-year period of study of accountancy in an institution accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC) or National Board for Technical Education (NBTE); this is the basic entry requirement into the NIGERIAN COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY (NCA)
  • a one year of intensive professional education, training and examination at the Nigerian College of Accountancy.
  • a two-year period of supervised practical experience as Accountant-in-Training (AIT) in any sector of the economy. Items (b) and (c) above satisfy the three year professional training for membership of the Association.